The pamphlet in your hands looks old on it’s own, paper thick with dust and an unmistakable mildewy waft every time you turn it in your hands. The style of the pamphlets design also sets off bells in your mind, there’s simply no way this was produced before 1990. Nevertheless, the assistant at the desk assures you, it’s the best they have on hand for a quick intro, they’re still working on the updated version. The information within is sound, apparently. They just haven’t had to reprint them in a long….long time. Lucky you.

Welcome to the Wonderful World of ✨MONSTERS!✨

Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life! Things are about to get very interesting for you.

Understanding the shining new world you’ve entered can seem like a daunting task. How long has it been this way? Why doesn’t everyone know? Where do I fit into this? Should I call my public representatives and tell them about this? All of these questions will be answered with time.

Here, now, lets introduce you to the most pressing basics, to better help you understand how all of this works.


Photos (c) Holwell Co.

What is a Monster / Nonhuman / Cryptid / Entity?


Monsters, Nonhumans, Entities, Cryptids, or any other non-human, non-animal creature known (currently) to modern science are simply creatures outside of human understanding or function. There are many monsters “known” to humans, simply as myth rather than the truth they are. Werewolves, Vampires, Bigfoot and many other Cryptozoologically studied creatures fall under this large umbrella.

(Note: Not all monsters are friendly. Just like humans, there’s plenty of dangerous monsters in the world. Your assigned Holwell case worker will help you fill in the gaps.)

There is a likelihood that you are reading this pamphlet due to discovering such creatures, or becoming one yourself. Rest assured, you are not in danger. Monsters have existed alongside humans for hundreds upon thousands of years, and have no intention of upsetting the natural order. We simply wish to work our 9 to 5 like the rest of you!

What is Holwell Co? Don’t they run X, Y, Z business in town?

Holwell Co. is the founding corporation behind monster society as we know it, the least of it’s ventures being it’s many cover businesses. Running an undercover network to keep monsters and humans living balanced, separate but fulfilling lives since the late 40’s; Holwell is the backbone of the modern monster life here in the states.

Our base of operations is located in the Pacific Northwest, in the beautiful but rainy Brookemount, OR. Nicknamed the ‘Cryptid Capital’, this state is a perfectly suited climate for monsters, with lots of spacious forests and a deep tie to magic. Brookemount has a bustling monster community if you know where to look, and your assigned Holwell case worker will help you make the right kind of connections!


What is a Glamour? Do I need one? How do I get one?


(Example of a worn Glamour - enchanted braided bracelet)

For those of us who cannot hide our appearance, a Glamour is a handy magical enchantment that allows us to pass and mesh in alongside normal human society! A glamour is only necessary for monsters who do not have a natural way to appear or pass as human.

Glamours come in many forms. The type of Glamour one uses depends on their needs; Some take it as a medication. Others wear it in the form of jewelry - this is the most common type, as it allows the most control. Others, still, will wear a semi-permanent tattoo if they truly do not wish to exist in their monster form. This is a big decision that can come with a handful of risks if not done by a professional; talk to a Holwell representative for more information if this sounds right for you.

Glamours go hand in hand with your registration with Holwell. You cannot have one without the other! A Glamour is mandatory in public settings - and being an unregistered Monster comes with hefty fines and possible jail time. Registration is free and keeps you and your community safe! It also allows you access to all the resources Holwell provides; talk to your Case Worker for more information.

All Glamours are crafted in-house on the Holwell campus (an ever expanding pocket campus hidden in a discreet location) by trained, professional Illusion-weavers. Glamours can be tweaked or altered, updated or strengthened on the Holwell campus by appointment. Call the number below to schedule your appointment!

Well…Where do I go from here?

It’s up to you! The world is your oyster and you have all the opportunities in the world at your fingertips - but keep in mind these three vital rules:

  1. Never disclose what you’ve learned to Ordinaries. Anyone not in the know, who does not NEED to know, should not know. This is for the safety of the collective community. If people who do not need to know find out, contact a Holwell Representative right away.
  2. Never leave private spaces unglamoured. You will be caught. At best you will be fined. At worst you may lose more than ust your freedom.
  3. Beware monster hunters at all costs. Consider who you trust with this information, and if it’s worth risking your own life, and the lives of everyone else here with you.

With all this information in hand - Welcome to the world! It’s time to get out there and experience it!