You feel like if you blinked while driving, you'd pass right through Parkden without a second thought. The town is tiny, just a dinky collection of homes surrounding a lone post office and a mom and pop shop. There isn't even a school in town; You notice kids clambering into a bus to be shuffled off somewhere else for their educational needs.

The only other building of interest is a surprisingly large, pristine looking church on the very edge of town. Surrounded by a small graveyard, the church looks old but well taken care of. The stained glass windows are beautiful, more beautiful than one would expect. It seems odd to you that such a small town would have such a large place of worship, but you shrug as you pass it by, paying as much mind to it as you did to the rest of the minuscule town.

Parkden is a small town located in the Pacific Northwest. Home to only 8,000 or so people, Parkden is hardly anything to look at. It lies in the mountains, nestled among the rocks and trees a stones throw away from Brookemount. Residents are speckled about near and far and there's only one supermarket to supply the entirety of town with supplies. The small town isn't home to much, but it's single pride and joy is the Christ Community Church, of which most residents are patrons.