
The Lost

Header art by PineNiidles!

Julia Simmons on


Julia comes across as a bit of a cynical jerk. She doesn't entirely mean to, just...somewhere along the way, she stopped trying to sugarcoat her thoughts and feelings for people who never bothered to try and understand her anyways. She can be pretty blunt, but once you get past the brittle and sarcastic exterior, she's a very loving and loyal person.

Her anxiety can cause her to freeze up or go into fight mode, even when there's nothing to really fight about. She can get heated or fired up over small injustices, towards her or especially those she cares about. God forbid you cross her, but may whatever forces you believe in have mercy if you cross the people she loves.

Though her life has been a series of struggles in an attempt to find and be herself, it seems those struggles have yet to end. She's lost her way, and may not be able to find her way back this time.

Nicknames: Juju

Pronouns: She/They

Age: 32+

Birthday: March 28th | Aries

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