Your first impression of Ivy Point is that the people living here must be mighty wealthy. The houses, if you could call them anything other than mansions, are large and spread throughout sprawling idyllic suburbs. Downtown is a hubub of small boutiques mixed with quite fancy looking restaurants and somehow even fancier looking cafes. You can feel your wallet screaming as you drive down the main thoroughfare. Being the capital, it seems, has it's perks.

While everything feels upscale and ritzy, you almost don't notice the residents. Most of them ignore you as you make your way through town. That in and of itself isn't unnatural, but what is unnatural is the way they smile when they don't. The ones who notice you seem quite happy to see you, and you just aren't sure why.

Ivy Point is a city located in the Pacific Northwest. Home to roughly 56,000 residents, it's hard to believe that many people can reside in such a huge, expensive plot of neighborhoods. The feel of the city can best be described in three words; Upscale, Expensive, and Daunting. Many local politicians live in the area, as Ivy Point is relatively centralized in the valley below the mountains. Only the furthest outskirts of the suburbs are more hospitable to the average homeowner, but even then houses there are in high demand.