Side character

The Mistake

Earnest Navarro on


Earnest thinks he's a charmer. He probably was, once!

Whether you find him charming or not now depends more on if you like vapid flattery and watching a man fumble over himself to try and win you over. But with a long-trailing reputation as a womanizer, he drives most people away the same way a poisonous frog repels with its colors. At least he wears the reputation like a warning on his sleeves.

Despite living a mostly isolated life now, this suits him well. He acts like a personable guy, but he much prefers a more lone wolf dynamic. Or so he tells himself. Lonely or not, this is the culmination of his life, and he's doing his best to accept it with some modicum of grace. He's never been one to stick around, so he can't exactly blame anyone else for not wanting to stick around with him, either.

Accepting of it or not, he can't ever seem to outrun his past. Running is all he's ever done. Even now, as he's faced with the reckoning of his past mistakes, he can't seem to stop running from reality. His age is catching up, and so, too, are the consequences of the marathon he's made of his life.

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