You drive past the sign faster than you can read it, but you swear up and down that it said "Cryptid capital"...It makes you wonder just how they got that tag-line. It doesn't take long for you to find out. From outside the city limits, it looks like any other pretty big metropolis area. The city is huge - no LA, for sure, but big.

From the inside, though? Everywhere you look there's "cryptid" merchandise. There are horror tours hosted by various companies. Everywhere you look, there seem to be tourists wandering around with various cryptid-hunting-shirts and motif bags. You'd seen a couple ads online before deciding to drive through, but it's only driving through the very heart of the city that you realize...these people really.


Love monsters.

Brookemount is a city located in the Pacific Northwest. With a population of nearly 600,000 people, it seems strange for so large a city to be nestled between forest, mountain, and river - relatively tucked away from society at large, hidden safely among the pines and conifers. When it isn't raining, its overcast, and on the days it isn't overcast, miraculously, the sun decides to shine through. The residents seem to have an unnatural flair for the weird - and have fully embraced the moniker of "Cryptid Capital" due to their unusually high amount of paranatural phenomena in and around their city.