NAME: Chupacabra / Goat Sucker

CREATURE TYPE/VARIANT: Non-Humanoid, Non-Sapient, Feral


ENCOUNTER: (The report is originally in Spanish, but a translation for English-speaking agents has been made available)

These things, I've been told, are a lot like leathery dogs. But with really sharp teeth. I love dogs so I'm hoping this'll be an easy time! I know they're like vampires, sort of, but I'm pretty good with dogs. The rancher we're working with thinks we're college kids studying local coyotes - he's hoping we're going to trap and remove the 'pests'. Sucks for him!! I do feel pretty bad for his goats, though.

(The next entry is done in a different pen, presumably a different day)

They are Not like dogs. And they don't like me - or anyone, really. But! We got one of them tagged and we'll be observing them. They're pretty nasty, vicious little guys so I hope the researchers are prepared for that.


Leathery was right! This one seemed to be pretty healthy, given how much of a fight it put up. It's about 3 feet tall at the shoulder, hairless, with sunken eyes and sharp claws. It's got spines going down the ridge of it's back, and runs on all fours when it's not hopping like a weird kangaroo.

It's teeth are a weird shape - it's got 3 of them in a very distinct, reversed triangle shape. This is how it bleeds it's victims dry - and they're sure to cause a NASTY bite if you let it. Gloves are recommended.


Not a threat to adult humans, but does pose a concerning threat to children smaller than itself.

STATUS: Wild, In the System