ASSIGNED AGENT:  Agent McLaughlin

NAME: Loch Ness Monster / "Nessie"

CREATURE TYPE/VARIANT: Non-Humanoid, Non-Sapient



Reports on the creature have been documented since before even the 1930's, when the first modern sightings were noted. It's only in the more recent reports that Nessie's been identified and named - She's a very isolated creature and as such, claims to have seen her are often pushed aside as jokes, hoaxes, or plain misidentification. Below is a retelling of the event, taken from an agent who, at the time, knew a Mr. and Mrs. Spicer, circa 1933, who to date seem to be the only credible sighting witnesses to Nessie's true form.

"It was the most extraordinary thing," said Mrs. Spicer, of the creature. "It didn't look like anything we'd ever seen!"

"The thing was huge! Must have been about - say, 25 feet across?" to which Mr. Spicer added that it must have been at least 4 feet tall at it's widest point on the body. "And it's neck was even longer than that, double or more."

The couple seemed genuine and startled at the encounter, going so far as to describe the destruction in the creatures wake.


To our best estimation, as Nessie doesn't like to spend much time outside of the water, she's about 26 and 1/2 ft across, from shoulder to tail, and 4'2" at her widest point on the body. Her neck is about 12 ft long, upon rests a sleek reptilian looking head. She's got teeth for eating meat, as she is carnivorous.


Agents studying her in close proximity are to be cautious and make sure she has eaten prior to study.

STATUS: Wild, In the system